Tips to plan your stay


When to visit

We're open 7 days a week 365 days a year.

Whether on your own, with your family, or with your Scout group, our Chalet will be open, whatever the season, whatever the weather. Camping is a little different… anyone who’s tried pitching a tent in the snow and ice knows why, so we’d recommend sticking to the summer for that!

If you’re looking for programme and activities, summer and winter are your best bet. That’s when our biggest events happen, like August 1st and our International Rover Weeks. In the Autumn and Spring, cable cars are often closed, making big adventures a little more challenging but not impossible!

Tips to plan your stay
Tips to plan your stay

Plan early

Grab a pen, grab some paper and start now

Our centre and campsite fill up fast, especially in the summer. If you’re reading right now and thinking about this July or August, it's likely we’re already very busy. So it's best to get in touch and reserve your place around 9 months in advance.

Think about what dates you’d like to visit, the rooms or accommodation you’d like to stay in and how many people you’re likely to bring. You can then start thinking about booking transport, programme and activities.

Start fundraising

Don’t let money stand in the way of you and your group having a life changing adventure.

Make a fundraising plan and stick to it. Contact local businesses, apply for government grants, sell lemonade, host a yard sale, gather sponsorships, or start a crowdfunding campaign! Take on the challenge.

If you’re a WOSM member from an A, B or C category country, you can also get a discount of up to 75% on accommodation. Every little helps!

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Tips to plan your stay

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Tips to plan your stay

Talk to an Ambassador

They’re happy to help

From top tips to travel advice, our Ambassadors are here to help answer your questions and offer support in your country. They’re often former staff, frequent visitors or experts in all things KISC, so feel free to give them a call.

Meet our Ambassadors

Bringing a large group

If you’re looking to bring a lot of people, or searching for a place with multiple venues or accommodation options, we can help!

From conference and event space to giant summer camps and mini Jamborees, we’ve got the facilities needed to host 500+ people, so there’s no need to worry about your group size. If you’re going big, we recommend planning well in advance and contacting us early so we can help you prepare. If you’ve never been to KISC before, we’d also recommend giving us a call or even visiting in person to see our centre first-hand before your stay.

Contacts us
Tips to plan your stay
Tips to plan your stay

A little help goes a long way.

Unlike a regular hostel or hotel we do things a little differently here at KISC.

All of our volunteers are part of the worldwide family of Scouting, and like any family, we all do our bit to help each other out. That’s why we often ask for help when it comes to things like clearing up after your meal or tidying your room before you leave. KISC is everyone’s home, and we’d love your help keeping it clean and tidy for all our guests to enjoy.

Get ready to recycle!

Creating a more sustainable world starts with caring for the environment.

Recycling is a very important part of Kandersteg's day-to-day life and something we try to involve our guests in. That's why we have several recycling points across the centre and why we also encourage many visitors to work towards our Eco Award. Reducing, reusing, and recycling waste is just a small way you can help us in our mission to create a better world! Check out some of the images below to see what kind of waste we recycle and how we do it.

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Don't call visiting KISC a dream, call it a plan

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