Donate to the World Scout Centre

Your opportunity to help enhance the magic of the Permanent Mini Jamboree!


Make a donation

Your gift can help thousands more young people experience the power of KISC for years to come.

Our Mission is to bring scouts of the world together in an alpine environment, raise awareness over sustainability and global issues to every guest and to empower young people in the creation of a better world.

As the World Scout Centre, our commitment is to contribute to sustainability and peace for today, and the future through international cooperation. This is only possible with the support of our Members and donors. Your generosity today makes a difference for our guests, the Pinkies and the Centre’s infrastructure.

You can donate to a specific fundraising project that we've identified

Fundraising projects

International campfire

Your donation of CHF 100 allows us to deliver an International Campfire for 1'000 scouts over Summer and boost International Friendship!

Donate CHF 100

Recycling Centre

Your donation of CHF 800 allows us to recycle 16'000 litres of plastic over one year as well as paper, cardboard, glass and metal in our Recycling Centre and promote sustainability and action to global issues.

Donate CHF 800

KISC Academy & volunteers’ training

Your donation of CHF 300 allows one Pinkie to take part in our leadership programme “KISC Academy” and receive further training for their work role over one year and invest in youth empowerment!

Donate CHF 300

Give by a Dedicated Donation

If you want to honour a special person, gift a project on behalf of somebody whose life or service means much to you and the Centre or invest in a cause you believe in, please contact us, and we will be pleased to take your ideas and help you make them possible at KISC.

Get in touch

Custom donation

Donate from CHF1 for the development of KISC.

Donate through PayPalDonate via bank transfer