Membership & General Assembly


Pay your Membership

Already a Member? Continue supporting B.P.'s dream with your Membership and follow these steps!

Pay your Membership by logging in to the Membership Zone, and go to "Membership"

Here are the current annual membership prices:

Youth Member (< 25 years) CHF 25
Individual Member CHF 50
Scout / Guide Group CHF 50
National Scout Organization CHF 200
Life Member CHF 1'500

Life Membership is a one-time cost

Pay on the Membership Zone
Membership & General Assembly

General Assembly

The General Assembly is a meeting for members of the KISC Association and is held to decide the overall direction of the Centre.

As a Member, you have the right to attend and vote at the General Assembly and be part of the decision-making to keep the unique atmosphere of the Permanent Mini Jamboree alive!

The Association is a non-political, not-for-profit and non-denominational organisation.
The General Assembly is the most essential part of the Association's structure and takes place at the Centre.

The General Assembly is usually held every two years. The 2020 event was postponed until autumn due to the pandemic, and an extraordinary GA was held in autumn 2021.

The next General Assembly will take place in May 2024. At this meeting, the reports and accounts of the past years are presented for approval, elections for the Committee are held, official legal issues are decided, and decisions on large expenditures are taken. Each member has their say at the Assembly to ensure the right direction of the Centre. You can read the Rules of Procedure for the General Assembly.

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Last General Assembly

The last General Assembly was held in Spring 2022.

KISC Associations' Members gathered for the bi-annual General Assembly on Saturday, 25 May 2024. Together, they have set essential steps for the future, such as having approved the consolidated accounts for the past two years and elected a new NSO member of the Committee. 

Download the full meeting minutes from the last General Assembly in English and German!

Membership & General Assembly