2 years
Start Date
May 2024
End Date
May 2026
Closing Date
21 April 2024
Open position

We are seeking a master of engagement, capable of turning any post and reel into a viral sensation and captivating audiences with their kanderstegging and volunteering savvy.

Expert in the art of social media and comebacks. Knows their GIFs, memes and stickers. Skilled at turning followers into fans, creating content that resonates with audiences, builds awareness, and derives engagement.


This is an amazing remote volunteering opportunity.


Application Form: Remote volunteering

As a KISC remote volunteer, you'll be working in an international team of motivated members and supporting to keep alive Lord Baden-Powell's dream of a Permanent Mini Jamboree.

If you have a positive attitude towards work and have the required qualifications and time, we look forward to your application!

* = Required documents - need support using this form? Email recruitment@kisc.ch

Personal details
E.g., 17.06.2024
Please enter your address of residence.
Please indicate if you have double nationality (only valid with a valid passport).
E.g. scout leader, rover, trainer, etc.
Name of the National Scout or Guide Association you are registered with.
Role related details
Which position are you applying for?
Is there another currently open position that you would be interested in?
Is there another position that you would be interested in even though it might be currently closed?
During what time period will you be able to work? Please specify dates in format d/m/Y.
If yes, please write down the season or position and the year (eg: Summer Short Term Staff 2017; Reception Assistant Apr 2014 - Sep 2014; etc.)