The power of positivity at KISC

Despite facing some challenges, Rowina reflects on her time so far at KISC and how gratitude, determination and surrounding yourself with positivity can turn any situation around.
Rowina in the snow

Before coming to KISC, I had expectations about how my time here would be. I knew it would be challenging, amazing and hard work; but I had heard from many other people that I was going to have the time of my life. Going into this experience, I was determined to squeeze out every possible experience and opportunity possible. However, before I even arrived things became more challenging than I had anticipated. The day I arrived in Switzerland, I fractured my knee cap. I wish I could say it was some gnarly skiing accident, but I literally just tripped over in the airport. Nevertheless, I made it.

To be honest, my injury got me down a little. I had come here excited to do service, contribute to BP’s dream of the Permanent Mini Jamboree experience and to ski. With my injury I definitely can’t ski, and my work here at KISC is going to look a little different to the way I had imagined it. The whole train ride from Zurich to the centre I was stressing about how my time here was going to go.

Since arriving at KISC, I’ve been making a conscious effort to be the best version of myself. Sure I have moments when I’m feeling down, but I make effort to not let it last and be grateful for what I have.

One quote I try to live by is “Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.”

The thing about KISC is, it’s impossible to be sad for long here. The staff are all so positive and enthusiastic all the time. Positivity is contagious, it spreads. When everyone around you is smiling, you can’t help but join. Not only that, but I am literally living in the middle of the Swiss Alps. When I look out the window I can’t help but smile. The mountains and the snow are so beautiful, and I just think that I’m so lucky to live here. Yes, it’s true that maybe things aren’t going the way I had planned, and I can’t do all of the activities I planned to do, but I am having the time of my life. It might be cliché, but international friendship trumps all. As long as I’m with my friends, even if we’re just hanging out in the staff room, I’m having a great time.

Whatever your background, abilities or circumstances, there is happiness to be found at KISC. You might just have to be flexible, and remember, there is something good in every day.

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